
Showing posts from May, 2023

【唐崇榮牧師 2023 美東告別佈道會】Rev. Stephen Tong’s 2023 US East Coast Farewell Gospel Rally

【唐崇榮牧師 2023 美東告別佈道會】 Rev. Stephen Tong’s 2023 US East Coast Farewell Gospel Rally  今年是唐崇榮牧師在美國事奉主的五十週年。他將在九月份前往美國東海岸,藉著大型的佈道會將耶穌基督的福音帶給華盛頓特區、費城、波士頓和紐約地區的人們。讓我們向我們身邊的每位親友分享這個好消息,邀請他們前來參加!敬請與您親愛親友一同赴會,見證上帝透過祂的僕人唐牧師所賜下的祝福。願榮耀歸於至高的上帝。 This year (2023) marks the 50th anniversary of Rev. Stephen’s Tong ministry in the United States. He will be travelling to US East Coast in September, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Greater Washington DC, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York through large-scale gospel rallies. Do share this good news with your family and friends, and invite them for the same! We look forward to having you and your loved ones, witnessing with us the bestowment of God’s abundant blessings through His servant, Rev. Stephen Tong. May all glory be to God in the highest.   9 月 1-2-3-4 日 華盛頓特區佈道會 1, 2, 3 & 4 September Greater Washington DC Gospel Rallies 9 月 8-9-10 日 費城佈道會 8, 9 & 10 September Philadelphia Gospel Rallies  9 月 15-16-17...