【仲夏天籟】古典音樂會 Heavenly Music at Midsummer Classical Music Concert
【仲夏天籟】古典音樂會 Heavenly Music at Midsummer Classical Music Concert 演出團體:Askara Chamber Choir Performing organization: Askara Chamber Choir 時間:7月30日(週日)19:30 準時開始 Time: July 30th (Sun) 19:30 節目開始前 30 分鐘開放入場 Doors open 30 minutes before the program starts 地址:北市公園路 26 號五樓 Address:5F, No. 26, Gongyuan Rd., Taipei 免費參加|名額有限,坐滿為止 Free of charge|Limited seats, available until full Askara Chamber Choir 是印尼最具潛力的新生代專業室內合唱團,近年已連續拿下兩次印尼國家合唱大賽首獎。並繼續揮師國際舞台,傳播如天籟般優美的混聲合唱樂音。 Askara Chamber Choir is one of the most promising new generation professional chamber choirs in Indonesia, and has won the first prize in two consecutive Indonesian National Choir Competitions in recent years. The choir continues to perform on the international stage, spreading the beautiful mixed choir music like heavenly Music. 聖樂演唱紀錄導聆 Sacred Music Recordings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlS-dgD3ZQM https://www.instagram.com/p/B3SUIMqHhad/ 聯合主辦:Askara Chamber Choir / 臺北歸正福音教會 請全程配戴口罩遵守本會防疫規範。Please wear masks throughout the eve...