2024 唐崇榮牧師 澳洲和紐西蘭巡迴佈道會 REV. DR. STEPHEN TONG GOSPEL RALLIES IN AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND 澳洲 AUSTRALIA 雪梨 Sydney May 11 布里斯本 Brisbane May 12 墨爾本 Melbourne May 18 霍巴特 Hobart May 19 阿德莱德 Adelaide May 21 珀斯 Berth May 22 紐西蘭 NEW ZEALAND 基督城 Christchurch May 13 但尼丁 Dunedin May 14 惠靈頓 Wellington May 15 漢彌爾頓 Hamilton May 16 奧克蘭 Auckland May 17 自1957年以來,唐崇榮牧師致力於舉辦數千場佈道會,67年來向全球六大洲超過3700萬人宣講耶穌基督的福音。 在他年老的時候,仍然蒙上帝重用,在最近的十幾年裡已於200多個城市向70萬人傳福音,其中有45萬人悔改信主。 闊別多年,唐牧師將於今年5月再次來到澳洲及紐西蘭的11個城市帶領佈道聚會! 難得機會,誠摯邀請您和親友們一同赴會,見證上帝偉大的工作! Since 1957, Rev. Stephen Tong has been dedicated to holding thousands of evangelistic rallies and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to more than 37 million people in six continents around the world for 67 years his his old sadly by 17 years。 God. In the past ten years, he had preached the gospel to 700,000 people in more than 200 cities, and 450,000 of them repented and believed in the Lord. After an absence of mantray will 1. cities in Australia and New Zealand in May this ...